Natural Relief for PMS

Premenstrual syndrome or PMS is a disorder that affects at least 70 to 75% of all women during the one to two weeks before their menstrual cycles. The symptoms can vary from mild to severe and can include any or all of the following:

* abdominal bloating
*breast swelling
*food cravings
*fainting spells
*joint pain
*skin eruptions
*water retention
*and personality changes like drastic mood swings, outburts of anger, violence or thoughts of suicide.

PMS was once thought to be a purely pyschological problem, and some women were even diagnosed as mentally ill. It is now safe to believe and has been scientifically proven that it is a physical malady. One of the main causes of PMS is a HORMONAL IMBALANCE. Unstable blood sugar levels are also a main factor as well as food allergies. Other suspected causes of PMS are vitamin/mineral defeciences, and clinical depression. It has been found that women who regularly consume CAFFEINE, are more4 times more likely to suffer from severe PMS.


1. A VEGETARIAN DIET during the first two weeks before your period is highly recommended. Eat plenty of FRESH fruits and vegetables. If you must have meat, broiled chicken, turkey or fish is your best bet.

2. Don't consume salt, red meats, processed foods or junk or fast foods in the two weeks before the menstrual cycle. By eliminating these high sodium items, you will cut down on the chances of bloating and water retention.

3. Leave out the dairy! Dairy products blocks out the magnesium that your body needs.

4. Avoid caffeine. Caffeine is one of the main causes for breast tenderness and because it is a nerve stimulant it can cause anxiety and jitters. It is also a diuretic ( it makes you urinate frequently).

5. Don't consume alcohol or sugar ( the sugar in fruit is ok) in any form that week before you expect the symptoms to appear. These foods deplete your body of valuable electrolytes like magnesium.

6. EXERCISE REGULARLY! Walking is especially helpful. Exercise increases the level of oygen in the blood (oxygen is a natural antibiotic), and it helps to absorb nutrients and aids the body in getting rid of stored toxins effieciently. Hormones are also stabalized through exercise as well.

7. Take a high quality daily multi-vitamin.

8. Take a tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily. Flaxseed oil is high in Gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) a essential-fatty-acid of the body. Women who suffer from PMS have been shown to exhibit a deficiency in essential-fatty-acid.

9. Reduce your intake of fats.

10. Introduce probiotics into your daily diet. Probiotics is a term used to describe friendly bacteria that are essential for maintaining the bacterial flora in your body. Friendly bacteria like Lactobacillus acidophilus are extremely safe.


For water retention drink DANDELION teas at least 3x a day or add the essential oil of Rosemary to a warm bath.

A light massage to the abdomen or the whole body with lavender or clary sage will balance hormones and ease symptoms.

Evening prim rose oil, vitamin CVitamin E, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Calcium, Iron and Zinc are supplements that can be taken throughout the month to aid PMS symptoms but should at least be taken two weeks before your menstrual cycle.
Chamomile, cinnamon, and peppermint teas are great to help ease nausea and vomiting.

Kombucha tea, an energizing and immune-boosting drink, has been reported to be helpful for some women who suffer from PMS.

Chaste tree(Vitex), Donq QuaiBlack Cohosh and licorice are popular herbs used for the treatment of PMS. They balance the levels of estrogen in the body. They have been known to have a tonic effect on the femal reproductive system.

PMS need not be a burden on you every month. Consider the suggestions above and monitor your cycle for three months to see if they have had any postive effects. These suggestions do not replace the medical advice of your doctor, and you are advised to seek medical care before attempting any of the protocols listed. Here's to your health!